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Keep these 9 things in mind as you have "a discussion."

December 13, 2022

Does this describe anyone you know? Avoids conflict at all costs. Hates when someone is mad at them. Shuts down when emotions get intense. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to describe your spouse. I was describing myself. I’m the spouse who can’t handle conflict at times. Though I sometimes justify the behavior, I know it’s not healthy. I …

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Breaking the Cycle: Understanding the Connection between PTSD and Sleep Deprivation

February 6, 2023

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and Sleep Deprivation are two interrelated mental health conditions that can have a profound impact on an individual’s quality of life. PTSD is a condition that can occur after a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, combat, sexual assault, or any other traumatic event. Sleep …

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Fulfilling Emotional Needs in Marriage: A Guide for Couples

February 6, 2023

Marriage is a union between two individuals that involves a deep emotional connection. While love, companionship, and support are essential components of any successful relationship, emotional needs play a crucial role in keeping a marriage strong and fulfilling. In this blog post, we’ll explore why emotional needs are important in marriage and how couples can …

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What to do if you are in a sexless marriage

February 6, 2023

Marriage is a beautiful bond between two individuals who vow to spend their lives together. However, as with any relationship, it is not uncommon for couples to face challenges. One such challenge that many couples face is a lack of physical intimacy, also known as a sexless marriage. If you find yourself in this situation, …

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Mission Ready Marriage

Claire Wood, author of Mission Ready Marriage, shares her experiences and lessons learned about the first hard years of transitioning into a military family. She shares reflections on what it means to be a supportive spouse to her Army Chaplain husband, and discusses the challenges – and hope – that come amidst deployment, reintegration, and the military lifestyle.

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How To Fight The Dragon Of PTSD In Your Marriage

In this video, Noel & Keni chat with Pete and his wife CJ. Pete is a Marine Vet who fought in Operation Iraqi Freedom and went on to become a Police Officer in the Pacific Northwest. Together they have learned that PTSD is a dragon that you can fight together. They talk about some of the tools they use to help them keep their relationship and family strong amidst the battle.

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The Power of Forgiveness

What is the secret to lasting love? According to recent science, there are a few factors. But, one of the main areas that impact lasting love is forgiveness. The ability to forgive your partner and receive forgiveness allows couples to work through conflict and move forward. Whether dealing with small daily misunderstandings or larger betrayals, forgiveness makes all the difference in love relationships. But, it sure doesn’t always come easy.

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Find Healing After the Affair

Dr. Janis Abrahms Spring—board-certified clinical psychologist and author of After the Affair: Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful—discusses what it takes for couples to move on after an affair, including 1. What drives a person to be unfaithful? 2. What happens to the “hurt partner” after an affair is revealed? 3. How can couples rebuild trust? 4. How can couples restore intimacy in the bedroom?

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Episode #1- Show Notes

Episode #2- Show Notes

Episode #3- Show Notes

Episode #5- Show Notes

Episode #6- Show Notes

Episode #7- Show Notes

Episode #8- Show Notes

Episode #9- Show Notes

Episode #10- Show Notes

Episode #11- Show Notes

Episode #12- Show Notes

Episode #13- Show Notes



This e-book provides practical strategies for overcoming common communication barriers and fostering meaningful connections. Whether you're looking to enhance your leadership skills, improve your relationships, or create deeper connection in your most important relationships, this guide equips you with the tools to communicate with influence and authenticity.


This comprehensive guide is a beacon for parents navigating the intricate path of raising children in the modern world. Delve into a wealth of insights, practical advice, and heartfelt anecdotes that illuminate the unique nuances of nurturing both sons and daughters. From fostering emotional intelligence to navigating the challenges of adolescence, this e-book provides a roadmap for creating a supportive and empowering environment for your children.


Navigating the intricate landscape of intimacy involves addressing essential themes such as avoiding infidelity, rediscovering love, and rebuilding trust. In this e-book, we will unpack each of these topics and more with experts who have written extensively on the topic.


Love & Respect

Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It’s the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find.


Is your marriage a top priority? A peek at your daily calendar should let you know. This date helps you and your partner learn to dial down distractions and make time for your marriage.

Over many season of marriage, common intimacy killers like distrust, miscommunication, and lack of appreciation can silently steal warmth and joy from your relationship. This date night stops intimacy thieves in their tracks so your marriage will stay warm and cozy this season and beyond.

Connection takes communication. Too often, we talk to our partner without really communicating. This date night helps you tune into your partner’s verbal and non-verbal communication cues to help boost your couple connection.

Keeping your communication healthy and thriving requires a lifetime of learning about one another and what brings each of you joy. This date is designed to give you new insights into your partner’s communication style and unique view of the world.


Love Styles Challenge Series

Many couples are putting in the effort, but needs are still going unmet. All too often, it feels like we are never getting it right for our partner. We argue more, connect less, and sometimes, stop trying all together.

The Love Style Challenge can change that by providing weekly tips that are customized to your partners unique love style.