Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It’s the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. While both men and women deserve both love and respect, in the midst of conflict the driving need for a woman is love and the driving need for a man is respect. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy.


Course Learning Objectives

 1:20 – What is the “crazy cycle”?

3:20 – Love and respect. What do they look like?

7:20 – What are some ways that women mistakenly think they are being respectful and men mistakenly think they are being loving?

10:35 – How can we still acknowledge appropriate emotions such as frustration, sadness, and anger while staying loving and respectful?

12:20 – You emphasize your partner being a good-willed person in order for the Love and Respect system to really work.
How do you define a good-willed person?

17:30 – How do you address a wife who doesn’t feel her husband deserves respect because of his past actions?

21:30 – What fears do men and women have when considering the love and respect cycle?

23:40 – What is the best way to respond when you feel unloved or disrespected?

31:40 – How do you get off of the crazy cycle?

36:40 – Take us through the “energizing cycle.”

40:45 – What is the acronym CHAIRS? What about COUPLE?

42:00 – What if only one spouse is following the love and respect structure?

Getting Started

Sit back and listen in as Noel Meador, CEO of Stronger Families sits down with Dr. Emerson Eggerich to discuss his book called Love & Respect. You’ll want to download the study guide that will help you make practical application to your own marriage.