All Date Nights

Is your marriage a top priority? A peek at your daily calendar should let you know. This date helps you and your partner learn to dial down distractions and make time for your marriage.

Over many season of marriage, common intimacy killers like distrust, miscommunication, and lack of appreciation can silently steal warmth and joy from your relationship. This date night stops intimacy thieves in their tracks so your marriage will stay warm and cozy this season and beyond.

Connection takes communication. Too often, we talk to our partner without really communicating. This date night helps you tune into your partner’s verbal and non-verbal communication cues to help boost your couple connection.

Keeping your communication healthy and thriving requires a lifetime of learning about one another and what brings each of you joy. This date is designed to give you new insights into your partner’s communication style and unique view of the world.

Happily Ever After is a journey, not a destination. And it happens only at the intersection of romance and real life. This two-part date encourages you to explore ways to infuse romance into your everyday world.

What song draws you to each other? Which genre of music reminds you of your spouse? This date prompts you to turn down the volume of daily stressors and turn up the musical magic between you.

We all deal with anger differently: some people like to process intense emotions alone, while others need to talk things through in the moment. This date will take you through the do’s and don’ts of anger and help you learn positive ways to navigate through it together.

Money fights can drive couples apart. But your bank balance doesn’t have to be a course of stress. A shared vision of your financial future can bring you closer. This date highlights your money priorities, fears, and goals.

Differences keep a relationship interesting! This date invites you to explore two interests together — one of yours and one of your partner’s. Venture into new territory as a couple while you support another’s individual passions.

This date idea is thrifty, so you’ll get a head start on your resolution to budget better. Pick three of your favorite games and get ready to have a fun game night together!

Is it time for a fresh start in. your relationship? This two-part date night combines a new activity that will inspire deep one-on-one conversation. Renew your commitments and hopes for the coming year.

We know that forgiveness doesn’t always come as naturally as we might hope. This date night focuses on forgiveness fact and fiction, and aligning your views in order to build a marriage that can withstand life’s ups and downs.

It’s time to clear out the old and make room for the new! For this date, you’ll “clean up” a few lists in your life by crossing an item or two off of your “Honey-Do” List, your Wish List, and your Resentment List. Don’t toss this date out!

We often think of decisions as limiting, but with each choice we make, more paths can open up before us. For this date, you have two decisions to make together, and each choice will shape your time together. Choose wisely!

If we don’t focus on our blessings, our problems become the lens through which we see our life. The same can be said of relationships. There will always be something to complain about… but let’s choose not to! This date is all about being grateful for the wonderful person in our life!

Good food can bring good people together! You’ll be sharing this date with your favorite friends in a good old fashion “Friendsgiving” — with a twist! Require each guest to prepare a dish with a secret ingredient or culinary trick. Everyone will try to guess the secret and score each dish! Let’s get cooking!

Didn’t you feel like the luckiest person alive when you found your partner? Meeting one another seemed as special as finding a needle in a haystack. This date is all about celebrating serendipity and leaving your mark as a couple in unexpected places.

Want to build a secure fulfilling relationship? Emotional Intimacy is key. This date night helps you refocus on one another to rekindle and maintain a close emotional bond that stands the test of time. Grab writing utensils, paper, your favorite snacks, and get ready to get closer.